
I’m a storyteller. Long form, short form, broadcast, digital -- I make stories come alive.

I use this overarching storytelling skill across many roles; in my freelance writing, as a digital strategist for Harvard’s Making Caring Common, and when I was Head of Content at M.T. Deco, a multidisciplinary digital agency. It’s also something I stress to students who take my Digital Content Strategy course as part of the Masters in Strategic Communications program at the University of Delaware.

Prior to these gigs, I spent nearly 13 years at network news organizations; NBC and CBS News to be precise. There, I told a variety of stories with a broad range of topics.

I traveled as part of then President-elect Obama’s press corps, investigated sexual assault in the military, and profiled programs for incarcerated parents. I produced multiple live education broadcasts, while also spear-heading digital and IRL engagement for those broadcasts. Meaning, I found ways to get as many people as possible to watch, like, comment, and engage with the content in person and online.  

At NBC I wore many hats. I helped launch, and then managed, a website for parents called Parent Toolkit, (it has since become part of TODAY Parents). I led the team that brought it from inception to two-time Webby Award-winning parenting site. I also managed the social strategy, brand partnerships, and grassroots outreach to grow the site from 0 to over a million annual visits. In addition to managing Parent Toolkit, I tackled brand strategy for NBC News Learn – which combined two existing brands (Education Nation and NBC Learn) into one mother brand. I also managed the launch strategy for new video collections which were aimed at students and education-focused non-profits.

I started my career in traditional broadcast news, working my way up from a page to producing at the CBS Evening News. I made the leap to NBC News to produce at Rock Center with Brian Williams, a news magazine show.

It might seem like a grab bag of media skills. That may be true. But I like to think of it as a multifaceted background that uniquely positions me to use those storytelling skills across platforms and goals. At the end of the day, whether you’re a brand, a non-profit, a journalist or an editor, the best way to reach people and stand out from the crowd is to have a good story. I help find, cultivate, and tell those stories.

TLDR: I can identify great stories in any arena and tell them in a way that is authentic and engaging.

Sound like something you’re looking for? Shoot me a note and let’s talk.

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A Spark of Life, Gone Lawn


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